- Owner: BMP Metropolitan District No. 1
- Engineer: Parsons Brinkerhoff
- General Contractor: PCL Construction Services
The Dakota Outfall Project (DOP) is a public-private partnership (P3) civil infrastructure project between the BMP Metropolitan District No. 1 and the City and County of Denver that replaces over four thousand feet of aging utilities and installs new stormwater outfall from Virginia Avenue and Lincoln Street to the South Platte River. It relieves flooding pressure from the West Washington Park neighborhood and portions of the area near South Broadway. The now-complete project represents the early phase of ongoing development in the Denver Design District creating greater connectivity from surrounding neighborhoods to RTD’s Alameda Station. Project challenges included extensive existing underground utilities; contaminated water and soil environmental issues; traffic management; and boring a 400-foot-long, 9-foot-diameter tunnel under active heavy and light rail train consolidated rail lines.